Grand Prairie High School Class of 1971

40 Year Reunion (2011)

General Trend Survey

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These questions are designed to generate a trend of the wishes of the class.
Do not construe the presence or absence of a specific question as a decision already made about the class reunion.

Respond to each question with a numeric grade: 1 – 5


1 2 3 4 5

1   2   3   4   5
1 I want to attend the reunion.
2 The reunion should be one event only.
3 The reunion should have multiple events.
4 I will NOT attend the reunion if the ticket price is over $50 per person
5 I would be willing to pay an extra amount ($1 - $5) as a contribution to a scholarship fund.
6 I would be willing to purchase a class T-Shirt/Jersey.
7 The main reunion event should be held Friday night.
8 The main reunion event should be held Saturday afternoon.
9 The main reunion event should be held Saturday night.
10 I will need hotel accommodations for the reunion.
11 I will bring my spouse/partner to the reunion.
12 The dress for the reunion party should be Semi-Formal (Cocktail).
13 The dress for the reunion party should be Casual.
14 The reunion should include a casual picnic.
15 The reunion should include a dinner.
16 The reunion should include a golf event.
17 The main event should include dancing.
18 It is important that the reunion is held in GRAND PRAIRIE.
19 The reunion should include a tour of the school.
20 A complete phone book should be created of ALL classmates.
21 The reunion should be in June.
22 The reunion should be in July.
23 The reunion should be in August.
24 The reunion should be in September.
25 The reunion should be in October.
26 The reunion should be in November.
27 The reunion date should correspond with a home football game.
28 The reunion date should correspond with the game against S. Grand Prairie High. (even if considered an away game).
29 The reunion date should correspond with the Homecoming game.
30 A meeting place should be established to meet/eat/drink BEFORE the football game.
31 A meeting place should be established to meet/eat/drink AFTER the football game.
Additional Comments:

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Created For Charlie Taylor
Copyright © 2000 All rights reserved.
Revised: August 28, 2000 .